Sunday, December 7, 2008

Another Trip

My Juki is all packed and ready to go on yet, another trip. As you can see by the shape of the box, it has seen a lot of miles. I have asked for a new box when it returns to me. (Please, Juki?) It leaves tomorrow via UPS to JUKI in Miami Florida, for what I HOPE is it's final FIX (PLEASE LORD!) Even though I have lost my sense of humor on this subject, it is still happy.
I can hear it singing from inside the box. It is singing a medley of travel songs:

'99 bottles of oil on the wall, 99 bottles of oil, take one down, give a shot to my bobbin area, 98 bottles of oil on the wall...I've been everywhere man, I've been everywhere, man...... I've been Florida to Alabama to Iowa to Alabama, to Iowa, to Illinois, to Iowa, to Florida......On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again....I'm leaving on a UPS truck, don't know when I'll be back again, Oh, Michelle, I hate to go..... If you're going to Miami Florida, make sure you put some extra staples across my box top flaps, If you're gooooooing to Miami Florida, some extra tape, would suuuurrrre come in Hand-eeeee'....ok, enough. You get the picture.

Oh, oh, it's singing again....'I'll have a blue Christmas without you'.....or was it 'I'll be hooooome for Chrissssstmas'....I'll keep you posted.


  1. That is one well travelled machine. it's done more milesthan I have.
    I hope that this will be it's last trip

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  2. I almost bought the Juki...glad I got Genny 'cause I have not had a moment of problem with her. I am especially thankful since the dealer where I bought her is about 125 mile round trip!

  3. Oh, you are just too funny!!! I hope all goes well with this trip!! Looks like they should just give you a new one!!

  4. And I was thinking a Juki would be a good one. I have had about as much problem with my Janome 1600P. I am asking dealer for a replacement. We'll see what I get. Hope Juki returns for Christmas.

  5. Praying for a perfect repair this time!


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