Sunday, December 7, 2008


As I was working on a sewing machine today, and testing it out, I decided to get a birthday gift out of the way for a coworker. Here is the litter bag I made for her car. I have one in my car, and I love it. It comes in quite handy.

Here's the back side of it. I hope she likes it!It's snowing again. Was it supposed to snow today? It sounds more like sleet! Boy, am I glad I am in my nice warm home!!!


  1. The trash bag is really cute ,I should make a new one for my car . You got some very nice comments about your machine cover I wish they would have left them on your blog .Drop over and have a peak .

  2. oh, yes, ma'am. I'm lovin' mine! I'll be posting about it next week. Hope that's ok?

  3. Oh so cute...I am sure your co-worker will agree.

    Be careful in that snow when it comes to driving...don't go out unless you just have to...

  4. I just love those! You did a very nice job! Of course, if I made one for my car I would have to have a gigantic one, my kids are messy!!!

    Be careful with the snow and sleet. We have about one inch here and already can't get out of my driveway. I live on Top Of the World!!!!!

  5. Love the trash bag. I'm going to have to treat myself and make one of them one of these days. Mind you, like Kristie it will have to huge so I can fit in all the sticks that Stan brings home and then chews in the car.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx


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