Saturday, January 28, 2012

Vintage Pink SHARP Radio

It seems I’ve been collecting vintage items lately, and that made me think about my Pink SHARP radio.

I got this radio a long, LONG time ago. Like in the early 80’s. If I remember correctly, the style of this radio THEN, was to replicate a vintage radio, so this baby is vintage to the second power! Rolling on the floor laughing

radio typewriter 005

I remember my mom and I both getting one of these for Christmas one year. (We actually bought them for ourselves from Montgomery Ward, but they ended up being wrapped and under the tree). Mine was pink, and hers was purple. (So who remembers how long MW has been gone? A LONG time!)

Several years ago, I wanted to take a radio to work, so I took this one. It has been exposed to lots of ‘stuff’ floating in the air and oily hands, and only God knows what. It has been played at almost full volume (remember, I work in a factory), and I even wrote my  name on it so no one would take off with it…but then, I can’t think of too many ‘guys’ who would ‘borrow’ my pink radio and admit it, or be seen with it! Nonetheless, I put my name on it, and I also had a tag which said, ‘Do Not Remove This Radio!’ 

After I found the Chord Organ, and I bought the vintage Smith Corona Corsair typewriter, I got to thinking about my special Pink radio. I decided it was time to bring it home and clean it up, and just ‘keep it safe’. Forever.

Here are the Horror pictures. The ‘before I cleaned it up’ pictures. I’m surprised it works at all. I could not, of course, remove whatever oil is inside, (there is!), but I know this baby won’t squeek!

radio typewriter 001

radio typewriter 003

radio typewriter 002

After lots of hot soapy water and toothpicks poked into the holes, it it clean….and YES! The cassette player works!

radio typewriter 005

If you don’t remember cassettes, do you remember 8 track tapes? I have another vintage post coming up soon! Smile

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!



  1. I still have lots of cassettes, but, I got rid of the 8 tracks when we gave away the player 20+ years ago. I remember reel to reel, also, tho we didn't have one. I still have vinyl albums. Now you need a Montgomery Wards sewing machine to go with the radio. I don't think they were pink, though. ; )

  2. I think you may have to consider some kind of museum! Yes, I remember Montgomery Wards (I remember pouring over the catalogs before Christmas), and cassettes and even 8 tracks. Time keeps on slippin' away (remmber that song?).

  3. I just left you a comment about a cassette player and then I read this post. Boy I am way behind!!! I want a cassette player just like this one!!!


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