To honor his wife Chelsea, Kirk Cameron has committed not to to kiss any other woman in a movie. Kirk shared his commitment with the makers of this movie. They respected his decision and had Chelsea put on a wig and stand in during the kissing scene. So when you watch this movie, just know that Kirk is actually kissing his real-life wife. God honors those who honor Him! Go watch this movie and spread the word.
I have also discovered a few other movies which I believe were put out by this same production company. The titles to those movies are: The Ultimate Gift,-- Facing The Giants, and Flywheel. I have seen, and own The Ultimate Gift, and have ordered Facing The Giants and Flywheel. I can't wait to see them. To see movie trailers of the above mentioned movies, click on the movie names in this paragraph.
23For a husband is the head of his wife as Christ is the head of his body, 24the church; he gave his life to be her Savior. As the church submits to Christ, so you wives must submit to your husbands in everything. 25And you husbands must love your wives with the same love Christ showed the church. 26He gave up his life for her to make her holy and clean, washed by baptism and God's word. 27He did this to present her to himself as a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault. 28In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man is actually loving himself when he loves his wife. 29No one hates his own body but lovingly cares for it, just as Christ cares for his body, which is the church. 30And we are his body.
31As the Scriptures say, "A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one." 32This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one.
Eph. 5:23-32

Just may have to talk Leon into seeing this one.
ReplyDeleteI seen the advertisment on this film ,can't wait for it to come here .
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see the movie.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see it either! I have read the book and my parents have seen it. They go to the church that made it so I know the whole story and am excited to finally get to see it!
ReplyDeleteThat is so neat! Great that an actor would do that! And great that they honored his request.