INSTEAD, I kept trying and trying and trying, and searching the web for solutions, and looking for color hex codes that didn't exist, and changing values in the template html code. During this time, Louie called, then came home for lunch, then left, then four, count them, FOUR hours later, I WON! I WON! I WON!
For those who don't know me, PATIENCE, is something I have not learned. I'm almost 51. I think it might be too late for me to learn. Some say I have incredible patience. What I don't do, is GIVE UP! What I feel I NEED to do is just 'keep on keepin' on, until I finally come to a solution. No one wants to see me while I am in the middle of 'fixing' something. My mind has 'no room at the inn' for anyone or anything else while I am working on a solution . What I REALLY need to do, is learn to FORGET that something needs fixed, and that IT CAN WAIT.
Unfortunately, that is not who I am, and where my HAVING NO PATIENCE comes in.
Well, anyway, I clicked, and clicked, and Googled, and searched, and tried this, and tried that UNTIL I finally got the results I needed (oh, maybe that really should have been WANTED!) Does anyone know if there is a 12 step program for learning PATIENCE?

You help me become more patient. You know how impatient I can be. I want solutions to my problems and resolutions to my dilemmas right NOW--right away. Teach me, Lord, to learn the lessons of the patient farmer waiting for his field to grow. As I wait for You to help me sort out my circumstances, place in me a patient and hopeful heart--a heart that is pleasing to You. Amen (from Everyday Prayers for Everyday Cares for Women)
The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride. Ecclesiastes 7:8

Hi Michelle,
ReplyDeleteIt is wonderful to meet you. I too have recently changed up my blog. I still love cottage but first and foremost I love Jesus. I am adding you to my sidebar. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind comments. It is so wonderful to meet another sister in Christ.
Wow it sounds like you had a frustrating day ,you are a persistent lady ,glad you got every thing the way you want it .LOL .
ReplyDeleteSometimes I am in the same boat you are paddling...patience is a long ways hand quilting and fishing on the pond bank I have lots of patience. Your changing things on the blog...I know I can't do don't even go there...I am proud of you though in your perseverence.
ReplyDeleteWas it the color of your music background you were changing? All the side bars look so color are quite the blog page decorator.
Take care -
I'm with you all the way. I have little or no patience at all. The number of times things have nearly gone in the bin because of it.
ReplyDeleteWhen you find your 12 step program let me know.
Love and hugs Gina xxx