Remember when Main Street looked like this for two years and three months? Here is the back side of the mess from the street behind Main Street.
This picture shows how you can see across Main Street, from the backside and see the store fronts on the other side of the street. It also shows the huge dumpsters they are hauling the buildings away in. They are special dumpsters with special rules, because of ‘possible’ asbestos. They are hauling the debris to Milan, Illinois for disposal. Are they burying the debris? Hmmm…I wonder what they are doing with it!
Now, here is some progress!
…and here is even some more! The cleanup crew is down to removing the walls in the basements, which you can now see. When they are finished, there will just be a big old hole. Hmmmm…wonder if they will fill it with anything. Maybe by now, the walls are gone.
During the cleanup process, the city discovered running water underneath all the debris. They suspect there has been a broken water pipe somewhere in all this mess since the fire. Let’s see..two years and three months of steady running water. So what are they doing now? They have this block of Main Street blocked off, and they are digging holes in Main Street to fix the leak.
It DOES look better already though, doesn’t it, and I think the spirit in Maquoketa just may be picking up a little bit!
Be blessed, Michelle
You are right - progress - better than the way it has been for the last several months.
ReplyDeleteBefore you know it, Maquoketa will be hopping with busy shoppers. :) Gosh, the 2 years of running water is a bit disconcerting.
ReplyDeleteRevival in Maquoketa! lol
Wow that is terrible mess!! One step at a time I guess....
ReplyDeleteIt's about time they found the leak. Man.... what a waste!
ReplyDeleteI bet everyone will be so glad when things get restored and life becomes somewhat back to what it was before the fire
so sorry you have had to endure this.
ReplyDeletea little progress is so heartening!
Looking lots better. Looks like the whole town would have washed away by now if water has been leaking for years, that's a long time. Glad they are fixing the problem.